About Us

Our company has been established in 1985 and producing systems and equipments for corrosive plants like electroplating, anodizing, phosphating, galvanizing, cataphoresis, waste water treatment and wire coating. We are, with the engineering expertise and know-how of so many years, fulfilling our domestic and foreign customers needs, with high quality and long-lasting systems and equipments.
Now we gather all these chemical resistant equipments; pumps, filters, fans in one brand; AYENSO.  As we develop our product range and progressing in the domestic and international markets, day after day we are approaching more to our goal to be a worldwide brand. 

Ayenso Manyetik Pompa
Ayenso Manyetik Asit Pompası İletişim info@ayenso.com
0216 415 12 37
0216 499 65 55
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